Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tues Dec 28, 2009 from Cleveland

Habari, Son? How is my dear Bashir today? I want to make sure you received my "EVENING EMAIL" from Monday night! I have copied it below to make sure you received it.

I think it's excellent that you exercise by playing football! Also, it was a good use of 10,000 shillings to buy Manchester United Jeans for playing football. It was a good decision.

Yours faithfully,

Email from last night:

Hello my dear Son,

Here it is, 8 o'clock on Monday evening here in Cleveland! I am writing you again as I promised, to give you more happy comments about the wonderful things your dear father said!

This is really super news that he bought 3 BAGS OF FERTILIZER & 2 BAGS OF MAIZE FOOD!!

For sure, I do remember his SPECIAL REQUESTS! I saved his requests and my answers on my computer to enjoy re-reading them! Here they are:

My answers to him are YES, YES, and YES!

YES, I am honored by his trust and faith in me, and will always regard you as my own son.

YES, I am honored by his invitation, and will visit him in Malawi when I return someday to Tanzania! I'm hoping you will accompany me on the visit to see him! I don't know yet when my return to Africa will happen, but I know it will happen, if God wishes.

YES, I am honored by his request, and will invite you to U.S.A after you complete your bachelor's degree!

It is also my tremendous honor to have completely Changed his life & for the whole his family in general, and most especially to give my overwhelming support to His first Born Son BASHIR'S

Also, I thank God for the blessing of your dear father's prayers, that He Prays Good for me everyday & That GOD should keep me in Good Health all the time! I also pray for you, Mr. Iddi and his dear family, and your father and all your family.

For tonight, I will say usiku mwema, and ASANTE SANA for being such a very wonderful son!

Yours truly,


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