Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thu, Sept 17, 2009 from Cleveland

Habari, Bashir? This morning my heart is still singing and dancing with joy because of your college starting very soon!

I hope you had wonderful dreams of college last night!

Right now, it is Thursday morning in America. At my lunch time, I will go to the post office to mail your package!

Also, I have questions for Mr. Iddi. Please, could you ask him and tell me his answers:

Does Mr. Iddi want to send his dear son Mohammed to school? Is there a good private school Mr. Iddi likes for Mohammed? I think Mr. Iddi told me he hopes for Mohammed to learn English. How much would it cost to send Mohammed to a good private school, including clothes, fees, and supplies? I would like to pay for it, if God wishes, if Mr. Iddi wants this and if I have enough money.

God Bless You!

Yours faithfully,


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