Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan 18 2010 from Cleveland

Habari, Bashir? Your Mum is delighted to read that you have chosen the college schedule of 8 am to 12! That is a wise decision! You will have the afternoons available to study and to do other necessary activities. Wooo-hoooo!

When you wash your clothes, where do you do it? I used to go to the "laundromat," a public building with washers and dryers, and I had to pay a fee for each load. But now Mr. Jimmy and I have a washer and dryer in our house, and it's great. It's very convenient. Christopher comes over to do his laundry here, because it's easier than going to the laundromat.

On Saturday, I started attending my new class! It's a "master's" writing class at the University of Akron, about one hour's drive from Cleveland. It is called a "master's" class because I have finished my "bachelor's" degree and now am studying for my "master's" degree. I'm very excited that you are starting your bachelor's degree! In time, you will complete it, and since you are so brilliant and hard-working, perhaps you will also get a master's degree.

Are you eating enough meat? Is eating meat helping you feel stronger and less hungry? Are you sleeping well? How is your health?

When you speak to your dear father on the phone, please give him my very best wishes for a happy birthday on 25 January! Also, on 15 February when I send your money (100 USD for meat and Internet Cafe, 100 USD for your 24th birthday), I will send some more money for your dear father. It will be about 50 USD, or 7,000 Malawi Kwacha. I hope he is okay waiting till then. I'm sorry it is a month away.

Douglas is doing well in Chicago. He was so busy at work, we did not talk on the phone or even SMS (text) for about 10 days! Tonight he called me to say he is fine.

Okay, it's getting late, so usiku mwema!


Yours faithfully.

Your Mum

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