Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mar 9 2010 from Cleveland

Hello my dear Son,

Yes, please ask Hilda if I may send her a small package to the Learnit Institute post office box. The package will include two copies of the book I told you about -- one will be a gift for Hilda, and the other will be a gift for you! Right now I am still trying to find copies of the book. As soon as I succeed, I wil let you know.

It's a turkey in the Thanksgiving feast photo! Turkey is the traditional Thanksgiving food here. Have you ever eaten turkey? You might remember how I told you we fill ithe turkey with "Stuffing" and then roast it.

Now your Mum will share with you the wisdom of my years.

Jesus said, "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me."

My dear Son, you must have patience and peace, and believe and trust the Power of Almighty God that brought us together in Dar Es Salaam. We must pray daily and obey the plans God reveals to us day by day. God does not tell us the future, but He asks that we give our best to the work of each day. Right now His plan is for you to attend college in Dar Es Salaam. You must pray to Almighty God to give you patience and peace to fill your precious spirit, body, and mind. You must trust that He is providing you with the patience, peace, and everything you need for His perfect plana to manifest.

Remember that each success you achieve day by day prepares you for future successes.

Also, please trust your Mum's wisdom and caring in these matters.

Just as the hand of God brought us together in Dar Es Salaam, God's Almighty Hand recently brought me into contact with a woman who had heard about The Lost Boys of Sudan who are in Cleveland. Of course, that was very interesting for me. If God wishes for you to come to Cleveland in the future, I hope these men could be friends for you.

But here are a few things you must know about the Lost Boys of Sudan here in Cleveland. They live a very long distance from my home in "Bay Village." Their lives here are as difficult as your life is in Dar Es Salaam. They live in poverty and work at a grocery store. They do not have any time or any money for education. They suffer terribly from the bitter cold and long winters in Cleveland. They have been victims of crime and death in accidents. And they miss Africa and the Sudan, their families and their countrymen, even though their lives in Sudan were so bad because of the war.

I tell you these things so you will know the truth. The Lost Boys of Sudan do not have a happy life in Cleveland, but they "make the best of it" as we say.

It's really hard for Americans to get a job here, and it's almost impossible for an immigrant to get a job unless the immigrant arrives with an excellent education and can offer something very special to an employer. That's why you need to continue your excellent education in Dar Es Salaam. Also, here in America, college is so expensive that regular people like me cannot afford to pay for it. Therefore, students have to get big loans from the bank, and borrow thousands and thousands of dollars, and then it takes us a lifetime to pay back the loan, so we are always in a monstrous debt. However, in Dar Es Salaam, Learnit College is excellent and a reasonable price that I can pay in three payments each year for each year of your degree.

So, my Son, continue to do well and work brilliantly and energetically for your degree. Continue to do your excellent work with brilliance and courage and your jokes to keep you smiling!. Pray and trust in God. Trust in your Mum's wisdom and caring for you. Have peace and patience. And always remember that we are connected in spirit, even when there is a long distance between us.


Your faithful and loving Mum

Habari, Son! I did find a bookstore that sells the book written by the Lost Boy of Sudan. I will get two copies, one for you and one for Hilda. Please read my other email to you (sent earlier today) for more information!


Your loving and faithful Mum

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