Friday, June 18, 2010

June 13 2010 from Cleveland

Hello, my dear Son! Of course I'm delighted with joy to read your email of today which you have written at SOMA CAFE! Yes, I really wish we were together too, watching the game side by side at Soma Cafe and enjoying some delicious drinks! Fanta Pineapple sounds very good. We don't have it in USA!

Fortunately, you and I are always connected in our hearts and minds, through our eternal Mother and Son bond. But it will be really amazing and happy to see each other again in person someday!

Did Ghana win the game against Serbia? I hope so, because I like to cheer for the African teams along with USA!

Yes, today in USA sports, all the talk is about how great it is that we managed a draw against England! We'll see if we can continue to do well next game.

Today I went for my 10k run. I like to say "It's 10 K Sunday!" and "It's 5 K Wednesday!" because that's how far I run on each of those days. Your Mum is running well and you can be proud!

Very soon your Dad Mr. Jimmy will go to work. Now I will go and visit with him, make him coffee, and keep him company while he packs his lunch!


Your loving and devoted Mum

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