Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1 2010 from Cleveland

Hello, my dear Bashir! I hope my fine son is doing well today.

I will be happy to hear from Hilda after you talk to her (and make her laugh with your good joke!) -- so I can send the money for your second payment, in the correct amount and to the correct bank account.

Next, I will wait until Friday night or Saturday morning to go to Western Union (right now as I type this, it is Tuesday morning in Cleveland). By Friday or Saturday, I will have a little more money to send you for your relatives, you precious father, and possibly even for your "Internet Connected phone." It will be better for your mum to wait and send the money at one time, instead of a little today and a little more on Friday or Saturday. That's because Western Union charges a fee every time a person sends money. Your mum and dad are very happy to pay the fee! But it will still be better to send the money on Friday or Saturday. Please, my dear Son, do not worry! This doesn't mean your Mum is not going to send the money. It's because Mr. Jimmy has only been working for a few weeks, so we are still a little "short" on money. Do you know "a little short"? It means "not quite enough." So please have the peace of Almighty God and know your Mum and Dad love you and will send the money for you!

Did you move into your new room? Tell me all about it! -- such as, where it is located in the city (is it near Palm Beach Hotel?), how many other people live in the building, is it clean and nice, and so forth.

Yesterday was Nicki's birthday! Nicki is Christopher's girlfriend. I like to think of her as my daughter, just as I like to think of Douglas's girlfriend Jen as my daughter! Anyway, Nicki and Christopher came to our house to celebrate her birthday! We ate "pizza" for dinner. Do you know "pizza"? Then we had cake for dessert and sang Nicki the Happy Birthday song. We gave her a pretty scarf, the color of a fresh mango, for her gift. She loves the scarf and it looks so pretty on her!


Your loving and devoted Mum

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