Friday, July 16, 2010

July 8 2010 from Dar Es Salaam

Hi Mum!

Am so delighted to hear all kind of Fan things that you did in Boston. They really sound good & the way you explained to me, I just feel like I was there with you. Because you have explained Convincingly & Attractively.

To be honest Mum, you know how to explain a story, it's just like the BBC Journalists. Congratulations Mum for that!

Another thing I have just discovered is that you like RUNNING so Much. Wao! Congratulations to My Mum Sarah for winning a Run against you.

Am also happy to hear that your beloved niece AVA & BENJAMIM are all fine including their parents. By the way, Did you tell AVA & everyone that I greeted them? Did you tell your sister Sarah & her family about me?

But sorry that I have not yet seen the Photos you have sent, because my Phone can not open it, unless I should go to the Internet Café to open it.

I have also delayed to reply you this Email just because the Problem of Internet Connection is still occuring in Dar-es-Salaam. Then it does not depend on whether I use a Phone or what, even if I use a Phone, it can't work because it's the same network that we use. But now it's alright & everything has settled. I will go at the Break time to the Internet Café to check the Photos you sent & I will tell you when I see them.

But above all, I have been impressed about the wonderful moments that you experienced in Boston. But it's also very far from Cleveland, wao! a Drive of 12 hours?



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