Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sun, Sept 13, 2009 from Cleveland

Dear Bashir, habari ni nzuri!

I just sent you a different email with all the Western Union information for you to get your clothes money!

My dear Bashir, please do not have any fears that I would "drop" you, because I will not do that. You and Mr. Iddi and I all became friends by the hand of God, and I honor our relationship.

My plan is to pay for your education at Learnit Institute, if God wishes, as long as I have the money to do it, and you pass your examinations! So, continue to be the excellent student you are, study and do well!

That's why I asked you to inquire about Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 at Learnit Institute, so I could start saving money to pay for those.

Also, I read on the Learnit website that Year 4 is at a university in the UK, instead of Dar Es Salaam! So that can be part of your dreams for your brighter future, too.

If your dear mother and father were here today, they would wish for you, their wonderful son Bashir, to continue your education at university. Since they are not here with us, it is my honor to assist you.

Also, Mr. Iddi is a very fine man who takes good care of you, and I know it pleases him that you are continuing your education.

Yes, Mr. Jimmy knows about you and he admires you, Mr. Iddi, and all your family for your hard work, your courage, and your devotion to family and education. Also, he wishes your lives were not so difficult in Dar Es Salaam. He is very happy that we help you!

It's great you had such a great time playing football -- and you won, too! Congratulations!

God Bless You for being such a fine young man!

Yours faithfully,

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